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Cosmetic Procedures We Perform

Cosmetic dermatology and plastic surgery remain an integral part of our multidisciplinary approach at Hacker Dermatology. Our state-of-the-art facility in Delray Beach features a staff of physicians in different specialties to provide many cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures for our patients in a caring, ethical and safe setting. Dr. Steven M. Hacker, Dr. Deborah M. Saff, Dr. Hellman, Dr. Villacorta and Hannah PA-C are dedicated to ensuring you’re always well-informed about what you can expect prior to receiving treatment in our office. If you’re interested in looking your best, we can help. We treat each patient as unique, taking the time to understand the challenges that each patient may have to face while achieving their desired outcomes.

**Note all cosmetic laser consultations subject to a non-refundable $225 consultation fee, credited against laser treatment costs**

Comprehensive Care in a Comfortable Setting

Hacker Dermatology has been providing cosmetic dermatology procedures in our Delray Beach office since the breakthrough of Botox®. Whether you’re interested in brown spot or laser tattoo removal or in exploring non-surgical alternatives to treating skin cancer, we offer many of the most popular cosmetic dermatology and plastic surgery procedures available.

Here, we can offer services that include minor surgical cosmetic procedures by our in-house plastic surgeon, including liposuction, neck lifts, eyelid corrections through blepharoplasties, ear improvements through otoplasties, minor SMAC facelifts, cyst removal, lipoma removal, keloid removal and more. Click below to read about each procedure and see if it pertains to any of your specific concerns:

Contact Us to Schedule a Consultation

Consultations for cosmetic procedures, including Botox®, in our Delray Beach office are available daily. Call today to hear about our Patient Appreciation Program and the benefits that many of our patients are already taking advantage of when they come to see us. Cosmetic consultations will incur a standard office visit charge of $225. However, if a cosmetic procedure is booked with our doctors, this charge will then be applied to the cost of your cosmetic procedure. Please note that all videos and before-and-after photos seen on our website are not actual patients at our office due to patient privacy concerns.

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